Virtual Dub: How to add the audio to any video

Cover Tutorial Virtual Dub: How to add the audio to any video

How to add the audio to any video!


Creative Commons License
This tutorial will show You how to add your personal audio file to any video ( for es.: your voice to comment a rugby match.. or your video tutorial )

  1. Run VirtualDub-1.9.7
  2. Open Your video [ctrl+O]
  3. Go to Audio / Audio from another file
    ( Choose yur audio file es wave, mp3 etc In my case Wave/Wav audio file)
  4. Go on Audio / Full Processing Mode
  5. Again Audio / Compression
    Choose a compression for your wave file
  6. Choose a confguration for you audio
    I choose this for my video
  7. Go to su Video / Full Processing Mode
  8. and than Video / Compression ( choose a video codec )
  9. And now You must choose your codec video
    I have choose the Xvid codec

Go to the main menù and choose: File / Save as Avi [F7] to encode your new video with your logo ^_^
End ;)

In the case that you choosed a different file type ( not wave/wav ) after choosing it by "Audio / Audio from another File" another window will popup... and in to this.. you must choose:


Kain The Supreme.