Blood Sport Stage
Inviato da kain the supreme il Mar, 02/12/2008 - 21:33
Ripped by Meik1111 and mugenized by Me ( kain the supreme ), this is Our Tribute to this movie with Jean Claude Van Damme and Bolo young ( Yang Sze )!
Ripped by Meik1111 and mugenized by Me ( kain the supreme ), this is Our Tribute to this movie with Jean Claude Van Damme and Bolo young ( Yang Sze )!
Questo/a opera è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Creative Commons.
Oggi un nuovo Bonus Char si affaccia nel mondo del mugen.
Kirin da Summon Night, rippato da Boo e come al solito mugenizzato da me, Kain the supreme.
Today a new Bonus Char is facing the Mugen World.
His name is Kirin from Summon Night, ripped by Boo and as always mugenized by me, kain the supreme.
Oggi rilascio questo stage da Jump Ultimate Stars... Naruto.
Today I release a stage from Jump Ultimate Stars... Naruto.
Per festeggiare il Santo Natale, ecco una nuova release dedicata a Evil Soul.
Oggi rilascio questo stage da Crossed Swords... Il Castello.
Today I release a stage from Crossed Swords... The Castle.
Rippato da ManDemon e come sempre Mugenizzato da me ^^'
Ripped by ManDemon an as always mugenizzed by me ^^'
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Theme Originally Created by Devsaran